

Today I ate 3-4 pieces of rolling sushi for the first time in NZ. It's been a long time for me. It was so delicious. I felt dizzy because it was so delicious. My daughter ate more than I... I remembered this song while I have eaten sushi. …




I made "chirashi-zushi" for her lunchbox this morning. I am worried because I didn't put enough vegetables. That means,it's not well-balanced lunchbox. But I might say it is ok because my daughter was very pleased. I suggested her to eat m…


This morning,my daughter said "mama, kono mirror mite(Mom, look at this mirror)". "Yes, but why is only "mirror" spoken in English?" said I. "That's because I forgot." "Mirror is kagami in Japanese, don't you remember?" "Ah, now I remember…


I found this sushi restaurant in central of Auckland. I felt a little bit strange because sumo wrestler usually eats chanko-nabe(vegetable and meat stew hot pot), not sushi. I also thought "sumo-zushi" (not "sumo-sushi")is more natural. Bu…

Maritime Museum

[gallery ids="2097,2098,2099,2100,2101,2102,2103,2104,2105,2106" type="rectangular"] Many Maori's crafts, many ships, challenging stories of immigrants.


I have eaten a piece of watermelon while other family is sleeping. Actually it was very good, but I got to feel a little bit cold. I've never felt cold in summer in Japan. That is very interesting. I like this song. I don't really understa…

Snail and Dove

[gallery ids="2057,2058,2059" type="rectangular"] Today I found lots of avocados sold at incredible lower price ¢19 each in a Chinese Market nearby. "Avocado, you are just in time! because we had eaten you up just this morning!" I put them…


My daughter's lunchbox for kindy. Tomatoes for her morning tea. 娘の幼稚園に持たせたお弁当箱です。 お弁当を作らなくなって久しく、だいぶ感覚を忘れてしまってます。 写真を撮らなかったのですが、モーニングティ(おやつの時間)にはプチトマトを持た…


[gallery ids="2026,2027,2028" type="square" columns="2"] 今日描いた娘の絵です。 今日はまた何故か作風が違い、ちょっとリアリスティックな感じです。 かと思えば目に睫毛を付けるメルヘンな描き方も。 3枚目の顔ばかりの絵は、娘が色んな表情を描きたか…


トウモロコシを食べながらなまはげの話になりました。 「なまはげは良い子には何もしないけれど、悪い子はすぐに連れて行ってしまうよ」 話を一生懸命聞く娘がこんなことを聞いてきました。 「なまはげは大人の悪い人は連れて行かないの?」 「なまはげは小…


This is my husband&daughter's favorite song. It was sung in a program of Educational NHK, which we used to watch in early every morning. 私達が大阪にいた頃、私がお弁当や朝食など諸々支度をしている間、丁度この番組「0655」がEテレで流れていた…


[gallery ids="1984,1985,1986" type="square" columns="2"] Watermelon is getting cheaper here, as the summer has come. I love watermelon, and so did my parents. My bithday is June ,which means the begining of summer, and it had been high tim…


海の絵とお題を付けて描いた結果。 なんでロケットを描こうと思ったの?と聞いたら、 「お家があるのにそれが飛ぶなんてカッコイイから」 なんだそうです。


I made a cheesecake in a frying pan. Actually this is my second time to make it, though it looks worse than before. That is my "Murphy's law" , that is "The second is worse than the first" I don't really know why, but the fork in photo is …


I found it difficult to pronounce "colleague" correctly. I think English word can't be pronounced as the word is, that is totally opposite to Japanese. (Japanese can be pronounced as it is, except "kanji") That is one of the reason why Eng…


My daughter likes this animated cartoon. We left from Japan 3 months after this cartoon was broadcast. That means it was just opening of story. Today I and my daughter found that it would end next month, that was very surprising! Time has …


[gallery ids="1930,1931" type="square" columns="2"] I passed by Chinese restaurant yesterday and today. They had a signboard written in Chinese "代金券大放送!" at entrance. I am very interested in this meaning, which I don't understand at…


Good morning! Today is cloudy, though I am sure it will turn to lovely day. Have a good day おはようございます。 今朝はちょっと曇りがちです。 今日は何故か娘は私と一緒に起きました。かなり早い時間なんですが、起きたときから娘はエンジン全開で…


[gallery ids="1903,1904" type="square" columns="2"] 昼ご飯も終わり、娘が付けたテレビで低周波治療器のCMが流れていました。こちらのテレビは10~14時までは何ら番組がなく、番組形式のコマーシャルが延々と流れています。 今日はたまたま低周波治療器の…


[gallery ids="1899,1898" type="square" columns="2"] My daughter wore the jeans backwards. She seemed to be relaxed even this backwards jeans. I wonder how come she felt easy with such a unconfortable jeans. It is beyond my understanding! A…


昨日に引き続いて、今日も娘は夜におもらしをしませんでした。 この調子で間隔があいて行けばいいなぁと思います。 こちらは…というより、私のこの部屋はルーバー式の窓ばっかりなので、蛾は入るし、ハエも入り放題です。見つけるたびにハエ叩きで退治してみ…


I went to the playground near my house this morning. There were many children and adults there. While I and my daughter is playing, a father talked to me. According to him, he had been to Japan for couple of year. He even spoke some Japane…


Good morning! I hope you have a nice day 今日本領事館に電話したら、いきなり英語だったので、世界も危ぶむほどの戦慄が脳内を巡りました。 でももうこうなった以上どうしようもないので、しどろもどろで英語で話し始めたら、相手があっさりと 「あ、日本…


I used a breadmaker to make a bread this morning. Everytime I use I tend to put some ingredients that is not supposed to be used to make the bread. So my bread often looks ugly.. But today, I made lovely bread finally! 今日はホームベーカリ…

Ninja Power

[gallery ids="1848,1847" type="square" columns="2"] さっきテレビをつけたら、"Ninja"という文字を、黒いエプロンの胸部に着けた人たちが出ていました。 一体このタイミングで忍者とは!?と不思議に思い、観ていたのですが… …ジュースメーカーでした。 A…


[gallery ids="1843,1842" type="square" columns="2"] My friends came to my house yesterday. They are very friendly and open-minded. They kindly take good care of my daughter, so my daughter likes them very much. They gave her a Christmas pr…


この歌は徳永英明さんの歌でだいぶ昔のものですが、この歌を初めて聞いた学生の頃からずっと好きな歌です。 I can believe in my dream. 「-夢を信じて-」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7CssS7G_CQ ※今日の「ヘー」 日本語の「真面目」はとても真面目な…


新年もあけ、初めての朝食は素麺でした。 正月らしからぬご飯だと思いますが、昨日の薬味が大幅に余ったためです。 今朝はそれに加えて茹で卵も出しました。 1人1つで、合計3個。 パパが食べ、娘が食べ、そして残ったのは私の卵。 しかしながら私は食べる前…


Happy New Year!! 日本から4時間早い年明けです。 昨年はお世話になりました。 今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 しかしながら年の瀬を全く感じさせない大晦日でした(笑)