
I went to Eden Garden today. http://www.edengarden.co.nz/index.cfm There were lots of flowers there. Some flowers just bloom, some flowers are decorated. I felt very comfortable. There is a Chinese or Japanese character "春" decorated on t…


I have learned one euphemism, that is, "well-covered". The actual meaning is "fat". http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/well-covered What a convenient word! It hurts nobody. I have heard from my husband that the Asian speaking English is monoton…


引っ越し疲れが出てきたのか、はたまた昨晩2回トイレで起こされたからか、だいぶ今日は廃人のような気力の抜けっぷりでどうしようか軽く持て余しています。 それにしても最近の私ときたら、英語も酷いものなのに日本語も危うくなってきていて、自分の存在意…


最近表示言語をEnglish(UK)に変えてみました。 そうしたら日本語のフォントがなんか妙な感じです。 全てが英語だらけで、最初うわっときますが、私の英語の勉強のためうわっとし続けようと思います。 そういえばEnglish(Upsidedown)と言うのもありました。 …


娘が夕飯を食べ終わり、おなか大満足のニコニコ顔で キティちゃんのコップに入ったお茶を飲みながらこう言いました。 「ねぇ、ママ♡」 「こうやってさあ、お茶を飲みながら、原発事故についてゆっくり話すのはどう?」 「もし原発事故があったら、どうだった…


My daughter drew a picture of dragon in kindy, because tomorrow is the Chinese New Year's Day.Her picture was very good and she was praised by teachers. They put her picture on the shelf where chinese stuff was decorated. They said they wo…


My daughter drew a picture on a omelette with ketchup. Three dots above the face is ribbon. She ate it up very quickly. 卵焼きにケチャップで絵を描きました。 いや、私ではなく娘がです(笑) 今日はちょっと体調不良かもでしたが、地震予知や何かを…


My daughter hardly ate yesterday, but her appetite comes back this morning. I prepared okayu seasoned with a little salt for her breakfast. She ate them up quickly with her eyes shining. Eventually, she ate four plates of okayu. I hope she…


My daughter has suffered from fever for the first time in NZ. She was better in the noon, but became worse in the afternoon. Her fever is now 38.0℃, which is usually 36.8℃. It seems to be higher during this night. I had her take a medicine…


I had Japanese curry last night. We could say that is Japanese poplar food, though that is born in India originally. Most of Japanese children like that very much, so did I. This was the last curry that was made before the radioactive acci…


英語の勉強を亀の歩みで進めている訳ですが、最近たまに思う(3日に1回程度)のは、英語は日本語と違って、決まった言い方が少ないなぁと。 いや決まった言い方というか、何と言うか。 その都度、その状況に応じた言い方をする必要が出てくるんでしょうね。 例…


[gallery ids="2266,2267,2268,2269,2270" type="rectangular"] 先日、犬の話になりました。そこから犬ガムの話しにも。 「あれって面白いよね、ガムって言っても固いし。小さい頃、一体どんな味なんだろうと思って何回か噛んでみたことあるよ」 と何気なく…


My daughter had two holes in her jeans which I got in UNIQLO just before I came to NZ. I mended them. I hope she won't get another hole.


Today, I heard of the test of Japanese language. I didn't know about the test at all, therefore I got interested in that. http://www.jlpt.jp/samples/forlearners.html There are several test in order of the difficulty. I just tried N1 test. …


私が小学生の頃のお話。 親から貰った500円を握りしめて、友達と一緒に夏のお祭りに行ったのですが、かき氷やら何やらでお金を使ってしまい、焼きそばを買うお金が無くなりました。 そうこうするうちにお祭りは終盤を迎え、売れ残った焼きそばが値下げに…

ワイタンギデー Waitangi Day

I didn't know well about Waitangi Day, so I looked for the meaning of that holilday, and I found it complicated to solve. I thought Maori was like Ainu people in Japan. I hope the problem would be better in the future. I am a little bit sl…


娘は5歳にして昔話をするのが大好きで、今朝も朝食を食べながら昔話にきらびやかな花を咲かしては、反面、ご飯を口に運ぶのはアナログ回線でビジー状態になるくらいに遅い足取りでした。 そんな娘がパパの指輪を見て 「なんでウネウネしてるの?」と娘。 「…


I have a sore throat. I might catch cold. I would like to have a Japanese white raddish soaked in honey. It is good for sore throat. Unfortunately,medicine doesn't work me because if I take the medicine I feel too sleepy to do anything. Bu…


My daughter was worried that I might forget Japanese because I usually learn English. She said "Read Japanese picturebooks for me, otherwise you will forget Japanese" "I will never ever forget Japanese, so you don't worry about it" I said.…


Today is "setsubun"day.This is Japanese festival day. People in Japan throw the roasted soy beans inside and outside while they are saying loudly "oniha soto fukuwa uchi(devil outside, happy inside)" Throwing the roasted soy beans outside …


My husband had got two holes on his jeans. He would rather keep it than throw away, so I mend it. It took for over an hour, just because I am not talented for sawing... 旦那のズボンに穴が開いたので、布を当てて縫いました。 ミシンなんてもの…