
My daughter drew a picture of dragon in kindy, because tomorrow is the Chinese New Year's Day.Her picture was very good and she was praised by teachers. They put her picture on the shelf where chinese stuff was decorated. They said they would give that back to us after Chinese New Year's Day is over. I look forward that.

By the way, Chinese zodiac year seems to be goat this year, while it is sheep in Japan. I think they are related somehow. 中国の正月にちなみ、幼稚園で娘が龍の絵を描いたそうなのですが、それが上手に描けていたそうで先生に褒められました。娘の絵は中国の正月コーナーに期間中飾られることになりました。 イベントが終わった後に返却して貰えるとのことで、楽しみです。