

食べおさめスイカです(恐らく) 。


I have got my left arm bitten by a mosquito for the first time in NewZealand. It just often happens and I didn't care about it. But my arm has got swollen and very itchy afterwards. That was so weird. I am sure it was not fruit fly. I supp…


娘を迎えに行ったら、このぬいぐるみを持って教室から出てきました。 一体そのぬいぐるみはどうしたのと訊いたら、クラスメイトの男の子が学校に持ってきたそうで、娘がそれを可愛い可愛いと愛でていたら一晩持って帰って良いよと言ってくれたそうなんです。…


My daughter sometimes puts all her soft toys around her, reads out books for them. She seems to believe that they must hear her story.That eases my mind. Thinking about that her attitude, I suddenly remember the days when I was as young as…