
マスクメロンと葡萄を頂きました。 早速家族で食べたのですが、案の定、娘が「甘すぎる…」と言って早々に離脱。 残りを親で平らげました。それにしても本当に美味しかったです。

こんな娘ですが、キュウリなら丸ごと1本をニコニコ顔で一気に行けます。 娘への土産はキュウリで良いなと改めて思う今日この頃です。 それではおやすみなさい。

I got cantaloup and two kinds of bunch of grapes. I was very happy because I didn't have to make sure where they are grown. It was so sweet, I and my husband ate them up immediately. My daughter, who doesn't like anything sweet, took a bite of cantalope and said, "It's too sweet to eat" She stopped eating. But she seems to like grapes. She ate 2 to 5 grapes.(Still few for me!) I confirmed again that what food she loves the most is cucumber. Everytime she eats cucumber, she eats up a whole cucumber,I mean, NZ size cucumber. I hope she would grow up like a cucumber. Sleep well, my daughter!