
日本語は下に! It was quarter to eight when we finished the breakfast this morning. I in a hurry sorted out all my stuff and told my daughter to get her stuff ready to go to primary school, only to find she brought something else. Japanese book. She began to read it instead of preparing her stuff.

"Hello? it is just fifteen minutes left. What are you doing? Do what you have to do now" She replied nothing. "Fine, then study at home. I am your teacher today."

She got grumpy saying "You are so sticky! I always get everything ready quickly, anytime!" I have never ever seen my daughter has done that before. I am wondering how dare she could say I am sticky. 朝食後、出発まで15分しかないのに、学校の用意をする代わりに本を持って来ては読みだす娘。 時間の感覚がおかしいと軽くクラッときましたが、窘めて早く学校の用意をするように促すと 「もうしつこいな!いつもすぐに用意してるでしょう?」 えーーーっと。 そんな用意周到な娘を一度も見たことがないんですが。 っていうか、実際今してないんですよね~と言いたいのですが。