

It was so lovely day! Good day to laundry. Yesterday, I've been to Pak'n Save in Royal Oak for the first time. It was bigger than that in Mt.Albert. And it would be nearer....if we had a car! Good night. ―――― さっきいきなり脳内で「あしたま…


旦那が学校でinfluenceとaffectの意味合いの違いを習ってきたようです。 曰く「affectは直接的な働きかけ、influenceは間接的」だそうで。 いつになく目がキリリと引き締まった旦那はこう続けました。 「例えば、俺が先生を押して、先生が倒れた、こういう感…


4チャンネルで放送されているsesame streetを、娘は好んで観ているのですが、そのためか、たびたび他の番組の合間にもsesame streetのCMが放送されています。その一つがこれ。 男性がリズミカルに歌を歌い、周りのキャラクターもその歌に合わせて楽しそうに…

Playgroup at a church nearby

It was very sunny day, today. I went to a playgroup at a church near my house. There were only one Japanese boy, though usually lots of Japanese. The Japanese boy was looked after by his grandmother who has came to help her daughter(that i…